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Energy Medicine
by Donna Eden.


Energy Medicine by Donna Eden


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Health Q&A's

Cancer and Alternative Treatments

Q. Dear Donna: My brother has throat cancer that has metastasized. Having tried surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy with little success, he seems more open to alternative methods, and I'm wondering if you have any ideas that might help him. Except for his cancer, he is actually in fairly good health at this time, which gives us hope for a new approach. I must admit, however, that I feel a bit hesitant about bringing up an idea like energy medicine unless there is a chance that it could really help him.

A. I have seen major reversals in advanced cancers after energy work was introduced. The key almost always involves working with the immune system. It is of course impossible for me to evaluate your brother's situation without seeing him in person. Someone with the right experience could assess his energies and discuss which treatments might be promising.

Energy Medicine discusses how the body’s energy system can be assessed and strengthened in gentle, non-invasive ways. Energy patterns act like an invisible blueprint for the physical body and the immune system, as well as for emotional well-being. Keeping them flowing and in balance them can have a very beneficial effect on a person’s health. Keep in mind also that not only can energy medicine itself bring about healing, it is compatible with any other treatment modality he receives.

You might search the net for programs that offer alternative treatments for cancer. For example, you could start with or or some of the other websites listed in the resources section of our website. Even Sloan-Kettering, one of the top cancer treatment centers in the U.S., has physicians who treat patients with alternative medicine, so I think you'll be surprised at what you find in your search. Programs and practitioners that take a holistic approach, addressing the body and its energies, the mind, and the spirit—have many strengths over those that address only the body.

An innocuous way to introduce your brother to energy work is with the 5-minute "Daily Energy Routine" (Chapter 3). If he finds that this makes him feel a bit better, it may pique his interest in finding an energy approach for working with his illness