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Energy Medicine by Donna Eden


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Health Q&A's

Energy Medicine and Elementary School Kids

Q. Dear Donna: I am an elementary school teacher.  Is anyone teaching your work to school children?  I am interested in doing this, but if the formula already exits I do not want to "reinvent the wheel."

A. Children love Energy Medicine. They are so much closer to their instincts. They can feel the energies moving in their bodies and they know when it is making a difference. I have come into many classrooms to teach children how to feel better and think more clearly and I've gotten reports that their school performance has improved. I think children should be taught simple energy techniques for stopping a cold or overcoming a fear at about the same time they are taught to brush their teeth.

This is wonderful work to take to the schools.  The Educational Kinesiology Foundation ( has been a pioneer in bringing energy medicine into schools. They have also sponsored or supported an impressive series of research studies to back claims that energy methods can help children with learning disabilities, enhance academic performance, address the causes of some behavioral problems such as hyperactivity, and increase self-esteem. I think that energy methods should be in the tool kit of every public school teacher.

Some graduates of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program have developed the Daily Energy Routine for kids.  You can find these videos on the Innersource YouTube Channel.

My daughter, Titanya Dahlin, has been a pioneer in this area, with numerous articles and Eden Energy Exercises that focus on children. She also offers "Energy Medicine for Kids Workshop/Playshops." Her eagerly awaited book, Energy Medicine for Kids: A Simple Guide for Children and the Adults Who Love Them, is scheduled for publication in 2018 by my wonderful publisher, Tarcher/Penguin Random House. Learn more about Energy Medicine for Kids articles and activities on Titanya's website.