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Energy Medicine
by Donna Eden.


Energy Medicine by Donna Eden


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Health Q&A's


Q. Dear Donna: I recently learned that I have a large fibroid in my uterus, about 8 cm in diameter. For some time, I've been experiencing painful cramps along with an unusually heavy menstrual flow that has resulted in anemia, and I really want to understand why I am having these symptoms. I am currently being treated by a homeopath, but would also like to know of any energy medicine approach I could use to alleviate this problem. As I’ve been starting to work with my own energies, it has been seeming to me that my symptoms are connected to my root and second chakras.

A. I know of cases in which fibroid tumors were either reduced or eliminated through the use of energy medicine techniques, and I have some suggestions for you. This is a situation, however, where you need to see a health care practitioner capable of assessing the fibroid along with your other symptoms.

Homeopathy is itself a form of energy medicine in that homeopathic solutions have an energetic impact on the physical body. In addition to taking what your homeopathic physician prescribes, I suggest that you sedate your stomach and circulation-sex meridians daily by holding the acupuncture points illustrated in Energy Medicine (pp. 120 – 122). Hold each set of points for a couple of minutes. Follow this by strengthening spleen.

Next, clear your root and second chakras (Chapter 5), since they may be most connected to your symptoms. Pay special attention as you make slow counterclockwise circles over your second chakra (the area over the fibroid) because this counterclockwise movement will help draw out toxic energies that are likely affecting not only the fibroid but also other physical complaints. Then balance the chakra by making clockwise circles in the same slow manner. It would be great if you could find someone to clear them for you, but you can also move the energy yourself.

Finally, you may also want to use a magnet. Tape the north side of a small magnet over the fibroid for a couple of hours each day, perhaps while you sleep, but do not leave it on indefinitely (see instructions and precautions on the use of magnets in Chapter 11 and in the Q/A called "Magnetics"). The north side of a magnet tends to inhibit tumor growth by countering the buildup of excess energy.

You may also want to check out some of the following websites. While not particularly focused on energy approaches, they provide a great deal of useful information about fibroids: