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Energy Medicine by Donna Eden


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Health Q&A's

Infant Head Banging

Q. Last week I was referred a 17 month old boy who:

  1. Goes into fits of banging his head against things
  2. Screams for hours and won't calm down
  3. At times does not want to be touched
  4. Acts as if his palms are particularly sensitive

I taught the mom figure 8's at the first session and she emailed me and she said it made him worse. Here are a couple of lines from her email this morning.

"I'm willing to do anything to help him. His poor little face is so bruised. It really scared me this morning when we couldn't get him to stop banging his head. Do you have any ideas as to how to keep him from hurting himself?"

A. This is a dreadful situation for the parents (and the healer) to have to witness, and even more terrible for the infant. We don't know the type of distress that is causing the behavior, but that would obviously be the key to the intervention. We can begin by seeing what we can deduce from what you've already tried or observed:

If the mother was figure 8ing close to the baby, it may have been stirring the discomfort that is already lodged in his body. Simply moving further out into the field so there is more distance will still get the benefits of weaving the energies without stirring the pain.

If his palms seem sensitive, it could be that energy is not coming down his arms and off his fingers. Backed up energy can cause a lot of pain. If you can touch him, firmly pull the energy down his arms. If you can spindle cell the insides of his arms with "baby pinches," do that after pulling the energy down his arms and then pull down the energy again after the spindle cell pinching. If you can't touch him, pull the energy down the etheric field surrounding his arms.

It is hard to say more without seeing his energy and how it reacts to each intervention. I wish I could tell you more.

Here is a mundane but not entirely unlikely possibility, and if it is the key, it could turn his young life around: I had a case where a baby was banging his head and the thought just came to me that he was having cramps that were so intense and painful that hitting his head was an act of pure frustration/agony that also happened to serve the function of distracting him from the pain. The key for him was to get enough potassium, calcium, and magnesium added to his diet, a standard dietary treatment for chronic muscle cramps (but in moderation -- too much potassium can also cause muscle cramps). This stopped the head banging, among other signs of distress. It turns out, the mother has since been told, that charlie horses are common in babies and can be excruciating, with the parents having no idea what is causing the upset.

I genuinely hope that some of these or someone's suggestions help you turn this agonizing situation around for this little boy and his family.