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Energy Psychology Research

While Energy Psychology has been practiced since the early 1980s, it took some two decades before serious research began to appear.  In recent years, however, there has been an explosion of empirical studies.

  • A scholarly review of the evidence bearing upon the effectiveness of Energy Psychology through February 2012, is being published in Review of General Psychology (a flagship journal of the American Psychological Association):  Acupoint Stimulation in Treating Psychological Disorders: Evidence of Efficacy.
  • Links to some 300 articles can be found in The EFT & Energy Psychology Article Library at http://www.eft-articles.com.
  • A list that focuses specifically on research studies is available from http://www.eftuniverse.com (click “Research” in the sidebar). In addition, the same website documents several thousand case reports. Put a condition in the Search Engine (anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia) and you will probably find that someone has reported what happened when applying acupoint tapping with that condition.

Energy Psychology Research